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From the Aesthetic Mind to the Symbolick Mind: Perceptual Dynamisc, Mimetic Practices, Human Theatricality
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The Project


The project From the Aesthetic Mind to the Symbolic Mind: Perceptual Dynamics, Mimetic Practices, Human Theatricality, financed by ACRI, aims to investigate the relationships between the origins and features of the aesthetic attitude and the emergence of a symbolic mind in the human world from an interdisciplinary point of view.

The project will take place from 26th September to 28th October, 2017. During this period, the 16 researchers selected will work in one of the 8 host institutions.

The project will end with a conference at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. The selected researchers and some of the tutors of the 8 host institutions will attend the conference as speakers. Some of the most prominent scholars in the scientific fields involved will also attend and present at the conference. Among these are Andrew Benjamin (Monash University, Melbourne), Gregory Currie (University of York), Jérôme Dokic (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), Daniel Dor (Tel Aviv University), Helmut Leder (Universität Wien), Jean-Marie Schaeffer (EHESS, Parigi), Christoph Wulf (Freie Universität, Berlin). 

last update: 07-Mar-2017
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